Our days keep getting busier and busier! Which in return equates to our need to be more efficient than ever.

Outlook has many features that can help us battle this busy culture.

Did you know that within minutes you can put your finger (or in this case, your mouse), on that one piece of mail that you know you received last week but didn’t have the time to file it properly, and now it’s buried beneath a plethora of recent mail? A general search can help a little, but will still produce a lot of unnecessary mail to weed through.

This hidden gem is Outlook’s “Advanced Find” – this quick and easy feature will save you lots of time.

So, let’s get started!

Begin by making sure you are in the mailbox you want to search.

Next, click your mouse in the search box on the top right; the option for Search Tools will then become available on the title bar.


Click on Search Tools>Advanced Find

In the Advanced Find box, you can specify much more complex criteria and even search in your calendar, contacts list, notes, and tasks. But for this demonstration we will choose an email search with detailed specifics.


Ideally, we would all like to be so organized that we would never have to search for that unfiled email, note, or calendar entry.  But I hope we can agree that this is a great tip for that occasional slip!

Go ahead and give it a try!