As you well know, the days of solely using a phone to ring someone for a conversation are long gone. Present day mobile phones are mini computers in our pockets offering us an answer to everything and anything. No need to contemplate – even briefly.  After all, how many times in a day have you said, “Just Google it!

Whether or not you choose voice or text, our phones are a means for us to immediately connect to family, friends and colleagues, and there are apps for just about anything. Most smartphones have more technology in them than space technology 50 years ago.  I believe most of us would agree that IT IS GOOD!

Nevertheless, there are several compelling reasons to put your phone down and walk away once in a while. Here are 5 good reasons for you to take a break from your phone:

  1. Be present in life experiences. Unplug when you want to be fully present with family and friends. Unless there is a critical reason which prevents you from doing it – Turn off your phone and enjoy the quality time.  (I’m dating myself, but I miss the landline days. If you weren’t home people would leave a message and wait for a response?)
  2. Promote a work-life balance. When we are constantly connected, others learn that we are readily available which can send the wrong message. It’s important to communicate that you value your own time too. If you work a traditional 9-5 day, consider just taking a day or a weekend without checking your email from your phone. (you can do it!)
  3. Better sleep. Recent studies show that cell phone use before bed correlates with insomnia. Using your phone right before bed is a surefire way to sleep badly and have less energy the next day. Break the habit of charging your phone on the nightstand or using it as an alarm clock. A special note for you workaholics: The huge benefit here is that better sleep will make you more productive the next day. In addition, two hours of exposure to light-emitting devices can lead to a 22% reduction in melatonin levels.
  4. Better focus. Have you ever counted the number of times you were distracted by your phone while trying to complete a task? If it is always by your side, even “silent” mode doesn’t stop you from checking. Taking a break can help you read better, study better and finish your work without losing focus.
  5. Protect your eyes. According to the vision council, the small, bright screens force 70 of Americans to squint, leading to eyestrain, difficulty focusing, dry eyes, and even double vision.

If you still need convincing as to why you should indulge in a little digital detox, take a look at this infographic here:Are you a Nomophobe?

Are you ready for the challenge? Whether you decide to detox for an hour, a weekend, or an entire vacation, we would love to hear from you. Leave a post below or email us at [email protected]  to share your experience.


Firefox videos on YouTube

Holmes, Lindsay. “All the ways your phone is messing up your life, in one chart”, Huffpost 2017

The Alternative Daily ” 12 Reasons Why You should take a break from your phone” April 23, 2021