Excel, the widely-used spreadsheet software, offers a versatile range of tools to enhance data presentation and analysis.

One of those tools is the camera tool, which allows users to create live snapshots of selected ranges or cells within a workbook. These snapshots, known as “camera shots,” provide a dynamic and visual representation of the data, making it easier to present and share information with others.

Another one of Excels tools is the ability to extract Web Data into Excel. In today’s data-driven world, extracting information from websites directly into Excel has become an essential skill for professionals dealing with research, analysis, and decision-making. Leveraging web data extraction tools and techniques empowers users to gather real-time information from online sources and incorporate it seamlessly into their spreadsheets.

Click the image below to watch how to utilize these tools.

Trinity Worldwide Technologies is here to help you make technology work for your business. Trinity can implement solutions for you to access your company files securely while working from home or on the road. Contact us at (732) 780-8615 or email [email protected] if you would like more information.

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